Started in 2016 with daily updates at 9:12 AM EST
Source: Donald J Trump, radio, radio & fast food images.

Value Meal Cruft (Trumpet Mix)

Value Meal Cruft (Trumpet Mix) is an example of computational art that I call "Cruft." Automated computer code samples audio from a Donald J. Trump speech, and various streaming radio stations. Images from fast food restaurants are also downloaded from online sources, which are then combined into this mixed fragment inspired by Vaporwave.

CRUFT: Art from Digital Leftovers

I make work that spans computational art, performance, installation, painting and object-making, using collage, remix, automation, indeterminacy, and randomness to bear upon the computer and the Internet as machines that regulate and restrict just as much as they can be used to disrupt and resist dominant codes of seeing and being.

My art practice reflects on our relationship to media technologies, especially surveillance and mind control, and in the process contemplates what a post-human art may look like. Organized under the umbrella concept of Cruft, I take apart, juxtapose, recycle, and interrupt the relentless flow of media to reveal a relationship in which we don't simply consume media, but are also consumed by it.

Digital collages called Cruft are created by scraping the web using computational algorithms that remix mainstream media sites like CNN with social networks of individuals, and reproduce, in mimicry of the 24/7 media cycle, the narrow choices permitted in public discourse. In another series of recent work, Machine Vision, I recombine footage from surveillance cameras with other media, to explore the relationship between war, surveillance, and automation within an overall machine aesthetic.